H-Harness with Padded Covers
Depth Adjustable Crotch Strap
H-harness shoulder straps help the user retain upright trunk
position. To adjust, insert the bolt at the end of the strap
through the grommet hole in the seat back. Grommet choice
should be level with or higher than the top of the shoulders.
Choose a hole that will keep the user secure without the strap
rubbing against the face or neck. Secure the strap with the
threaded knob. Fig. 46 & 47
Shoulder pads for the H-harness
are standard. The pads come
equipped with a snap buckle for
easy attachment. Fig. 48
The crotch strap can be adjusted by threading the strap through the
desired slot. Fig. 49
Fig. 49
Fig. 46
Fig. 47
Fig. 48