Apricus Installation Manual
Connection to Plumbing
Plumbing Connection
Once the frame has been mounted and the
manifold attached, the manifold header may
be connected to the system plumbing.
Delayed Commissioning
If the collector is to be installed (including
evacuated tubes) prior to plumbing
connection (e.g. on new house), high
temperature resistant covers (aluminum foil)
should be placed over the header inlet and
outlet to prevent any contaminants (bugs,
spiders, leaves, dust) entering the header.
The solar collector will not be damaged by a
period of dry stagnation that lasts less than
14 days.
If the collector is to be left for any significant
period of time before being commissioned it
is recommended that the collector is covered
with an appropriate tarpaulin. Ensure that
the tarpaulin is secured to the roof fixings –
DO NOT secure any cover or tarpaulin to the
glass tubes as this can result in damage /
breakage of the glass under high wind
Damage to collectors and other
components incurred by extended dry or
wet stagnation is not eligible for warranty
Suitable Pipe Materials
Only the following materials are
recommended for use with High
Performance Evacuated Tube Solar Collector
Systems, as follows :
Flexible Stainless Steel Pipe
Copper Tube (hard or soft coiled)
Plastic Pipes (PEX) and Galvanised Pipes
should NEVER be used in a solar thermal
All pipework in the solar loop should be
suitable insulated in compliance with local
building regulations.
Insulate Piping
Ensure all piping running to and from the
manifold is appropriately insulated with a
high quality insulation that complies with
local building regulations in terms of its
thermal conductivity and thickness required.
Heat loss from the piping can be significant
so particular attention should be taken to
insulate any possible points of heat loss,
particularly on outdoor piping.