Revised: 10/05/2008
Printed: 22/04/2009
Operating Information
Ignition: A supply of newspapers.
Kindling: 10 mm – 20 mm diameter light, split, pieces of wood.
Start up wood: 30 mm – 75 mm diameter medium size, split pieces of wood.
Starting a fire
Fully open the air inlet by sliding the control arm to fully extended position and then open the firebox
door. Lift the door handle upward and open the door slowly.
To build a fire, place crumpled ‘balls’ of newspaper in the firebox. Build a cone or tepee of kindling
over the bed of newspaper and ignite. When properly alight, close and latch the door.
When the kindling is well alight add some start up wood, which will prepare the fire to take larger
sized firewood. Close the door securely.
When the start up wood is well alight, add a load of firewood.
heater will burn any diameter logs, which fit in the firebox.
Large logs will take longer to ignite but will burn longer.
Once these logs are alight, adjust the air control to desired level.
As well as keeping recommended firewood sizes in mind, the way you load the fuel will affect the
operating characteristics of your
heater. Always ensure adequate air is provided for
combustion and, to reduce creosote, a smaller intense fire is preferable to a large smouldering one.
If a large log is placed across the width of the firebox, more often than not the wood will smoulder
rather than burn effectively. This is because the primary burn air enters the
firebox above
the door opening and travels down the door glass effectively ‘washing the glass’ (i.e. minimising
carbon, soot and creosote deposits), before travelling through the fuel load.
Should primary burn air be restricted in travelling through the fuel load, for example by a large piece
of wood lying across the firebox, it follows that the correct combustion process will not take place.
It is better to place 2-3 smaller diameter pieces of wood front to back with a minimum spacing of
20mm as a load and a larger piece or pieces across these.
Note: The fan fitted to the heater should be operating whenever a fire is burning (with the exception
of low burning). Failure to do so may overheat the unit and void fan warranty.
Fan operation
heaters are fitted with a 3-speed fan (optional on CCF3) for efficient distribution of
warmth. Always operate the fan when the appliance is used in the medium and high fire settings.
When operating at low burn, turn off or down to the lowest stetting.