Exporting Data to a 3rd Party
You can alternately send your sensors’ incoming data to a 3rd party by clicking on the “Configure
data push” link at the bottom of the window. From this area you can pass data from your wireless
sensor network devices to another service in real time. This is done by coding the data into a url
query then sending the data via http get request at the time data is received. There is an extensive
list of parameters that can be passed, as listed in the viewed window, that allow you to send detailed
information about both the data and the sensor.
We do not recommend using or changing these settings without consulting with an IT professional.
System Reports
The NotifEye system’s “Report” tab allows you to view two types of reports: Sent Notifications and an
Access Log. To create these reports, click on the “Reports Tab” in the top navigation bar.
To view sent notifications, simply click on “Sent Notifications” from the left panel and enter the
preferred date range (default range is one week). Once you hit submit, it will show all notifications
sent regarding your wireless system. If you choose the Access Log for a specified timeframe, you
will see an access log showing all users that have logged in to the account, and the date & time they
logged in.