Bucking and Limbing
Bucking is cutting a fallen log into smaller
lengths. Limbing is the removal of branches
from a fallen tree.
Always ensure you have a firm foothold. Do not
stand on the log. Be alert to the rolling over of a cut
log. Especially when working on a slope, stand on
the uphill side of the log. Follow the instructions in
For Safe Operation
p.7-8 to avoid kickback of the
Before starting work, check the direction of bending
force inside the log to be cut. Always finish cutting
from the opposite side of bending direction to prevent
the guide bar from being caught in the cut.
A log lying on the ground (F17)
Saw down half way, then roll the log over and cut
from the opposite side.
A log hanging off the ground (F18)
In area A, saw up from the bottom one-third and
finish by sawing down from the top. In area B, saw
down from the top one-third and finish by sawing up
from the bottom.
Cutting limb of fallen tree (F19)
First check to which side the limb is bent. Then make
the initial cut from the bent side and finish by sawing
from the opposite side.
• Make a horizontal cut on the side opposite to the
notch; ensuring approximately a tenth of the
diameter of the trunk is not sawn, forming a hinge
which will allow the tree to fall in a controlled
cut all the way through the
hinge as this could de-stabilise the falling tree.
• Always stand to the side of the falling tree, never
behind it.
• When the tree begins to fall, remove the chainsaw,
switch the chainsaw off, call a warning of “Timber!”,
and retreat through the cleared escape route.
Beware of falling limbs as you retreat.
• When the tree falls, watch the crown. Wait for the
crown to stop moving.
continue to work
under branches which have got stuck and possibly
support the weight of the crown.