7.4. Placing the Lens on the Eye
Start with your right eye.
Once you have opened the lens package, removed and examined the lens, follow these steps to
apply the lens to your eye:
a. Place the lens on the tip of your forefinger. BE SURE THE LENS IS CORRECTLY
ORIENTED (see Section 7.3 "Handling the Lenses").
b. Place the middle finger of the same hand close to your lower eyelashes and pull down
the lower lid (Fig. C).
c. Use the forefinger or middle finger of the other hand to lift the upper lid.
d. Place the lens on the eye (Fig. D).
e. Gently release the lids and blink. The lens will center automatically.
Use the same technique when inserting the lens for your left eye.
There are other methods of lens placement. If the above method is difficult for you, your eye care
practitioner will provide you with an alternate method.
Fig. C
Fig. D
If after placement of the lens, your vision is blurred, check for the following:
The lens not centered on the eye (see Section 7.5 "Centering the Lens").
If the lens is centered, remove the lens (see Section 7.6 "Removing the Lens") and
check for the following:
a. Cosmetics or oils on the lens. Clean the lens.
b. The lens is on the wrong eye.
c. The lens is inside out (it would also not be as comfortable as normal).
If you find your vision remains blurred, after checking the above possibilities, remove both lenses
and consult your eye care practitioner.