PowerPro II
CopyPro PowerPro II
Troubleshooting Section: Print Quality
Fuzzy prints and smudges
Make sure the CD print surface is a printable (lacquer or matte) surface.
Check the CD surface for fingerprints, oils, etc.
Clean the printing surface of the CD.
Make sure the print ribbon is a supported ribbon type
Check the CD position.
Check the Printing Alignment in the CD labeling software.
Faded prints
Check the Strobe setting (this controls darkness or lightness of print density). If
printing from
CD Painter
, check the Strobe setting on the host computer.
Increase or raise Strobe Setting by 5 units and reprint
Horizontal Streaks or Arc shaped Streaks
Lower or reduce Strobe Setting
Re-arrange graphics to reduce large coverage areas
Check the Strobe setting (this controls darkness or lightness of print density).
Sticking or Torn Ribbon
Vertical Lines or streaks Printer makes snapping or popping sounds during printout
Lower or reduce Strobe Setting
Clean the Printhead
CD Positioning Errors
Reload CD on tray according to the loading instructions in the Printer Operation section
of this manual.
Make sure the CD centering pin is positioning the CD when the tray closes. The CD
centering pin should touch only the outside edge of the CD. The CD should not rest
on top of the CD centering pin.