Hardware Manual — How to Build Your Own Crossover Cable
Configuring the Network parameters on the RTU
The Centurion II is shipped with default parameters needed to connect to the
network (i.e. TID, IP address, Router and Netmask addresses). You will need to
change these parameters. You can change these parameters via the CRAFT port
(entering TL1 commands).
Connect a standard RS-232 DB9 straight through serial cable to the CRAFT
port of the RTU and the other end of the cable to your PC.
Start a PC terminal emulator session on your PC (e.g. TeraTerm, Hyperterm,
or the equivalent).
The port settings are:
Port: COM 1
Baud Rate: 57600
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Flow Control: None
Enter a semi-colon and press <Return> to verify you have a connection.
The RTU is shipped with default values for the IP, Router, and Netmask
addresses and the TID. These values will need to be changed. To change these
values, issue the following TL1 commands, inserting the valid values for each
of the parameters:
ACT-USER:[tid]:uid:ctag::pid; (must be level 5 permission)
SET-DAT:[tid]::ctag::YYMMDD,HHMMSS; (only if time/date is
INIT-SYS:[tid]::ctag::ph; (value of ph must be 1)
If you require more information regarding the TL1 commands refer to the Supported TL1
Manual which is shipped with each RTU.