Section 4 –Freight Receiving
Section – 4 Freight Receiving
Upon delivery, check condition of components for damage.
If damage occurred in transit, the installation should not proceed without authorization.
If the installation proceeds, neither the carrier nor the manufacturer will assume responsibility for
replacing the damaged material.
If the installation is stopped due to damage, do the following:
1. Take pictures of the damage.
2. Do not move material from point of delivery to other premises once the damaged components are
3. Do not unpack, if the damage is visible prior to removing packaging, until an inspection is made.
4. If the damage is found while removing contents from packaging, the packaging material must be
saved until inspection is made.
5. Container and packaging should be retained by consignee until inspection is made.
6. Have components inspected by carrier’s representative within 15 days from date of delivery.
7. Consignee must obtain a copy of the Inspection Report.
Returning damaged components:
1. Obtain permission from carrier to return.
2. Route the return shipment via the identical carrier(s) involved in the original shipment.
3. Notify the manufacturer when shipment is returned to manufacture plant.
Verify that all components have arrived. Look for the following:
1. Job construction drawings featuring different views (elevation, section, plan, etc.)
2. (2) Guide assemblies
3. Curtain and Barrel assembly
4. Bracket assemblies
5. Operator; if not attached to bracket
6. Operator cover; may not be included in order
7. Adjusting wheel; if the barrel assembly contains springs
8. Hood and hood supports; may not be included in order
9. Hardware
10. Misc. items (Reelite, lintel seal, hood baffle, etc.)
11. Verify material/finish/color of components matches what is listed on the job construction drawings
and/or what was ordered.
If the delivery is incomplete:
1. Make note on delivery receipt.
2. Note should be verified by driver’s signature.
3. Notify carrier and manufacturer.