Operating the NeuroDreamer
sleep mask
The NeuroDreamer sleep mask is designed to be worn over your eyes and ears. To use
it, you should first place yourself in a comfortable position, lying or sitting down.
Wrap the mask around your head, with the printed design side of the fabric facing out,
and the zipper facing up. The eye indentations on the inside of the mask should be
covering your eyes. Lightly pull the ends of the NeuroDreamer sleep mask around to
the back of your head and attach them using the built-in Velcro straps. Adjust the
NeuroDreamer sleep mask so that it feels comfortable.
There are three buttons arranged in a vertical column along the right temple on the
outer side of the NeuroDreamer sleep mask. These are for operating the
NeuroDreamer sleep mask. In the instructions that follow, these buttons will be
referred to respectively as the “top user button”, the “middle user button”, and the
“bottom user button”. If an instruction states that you should press a user button, it
means that you should press it briefly, and then let it go.
1. Playing a Sleep Song
The top button is for selecting and playing Sleep songs. There are five Sleep songs
to choose from: the first four songs are musical, and the fifth song is an ambient ocean
sound By pressing this button, the NeuroDreamer sleep mask turns on, and the first
Sleep song is selected. By pressing it again, the second Sleep song is selected, and so
on. The NeuroDreamer sleep mask will remember which song you selected, so that
this song will be the first one selected by the top button the next time you use the
NeuroDreamer sleep mask.
2. Adjusting the Light intensity
The Light intensity can be adjusted while a song is playing by pressing the bottom
button. There are four preset Light levels: High, Medium, Low, and Off. By pressing
this button the Light intensity is adjusted down one level. If the intensity is already
off, it will adjust to High. Note that a song must be playing for the Light intensity to
be adjusted. The NeuroDreamer sleep mask will remember which Light intensity you
selected, so that this Light intensity will be used the next time you use the
NeuroDreamer sleep mask.
4. Adjusting the Sound Volume
The volume level can be adjusted while a song is playing by pressing middle button.
There are three preset volume levels: High, Medium, and Low. Each time the user
presses the middle button the volume will be adjusted down one level. If the volume
is already Low, it will be adjusted to High. Note that a song must be playing for the