• The hearing aid is made of modern non-allergenic materials .
Nonetheless, in rare cases skin irritation may occur . If you no-
tice skin irritation in or around your ear or ear canal, contact
your hearing care professional .
• Be aware that the use of any type of hearing aid may involve
a slightly increased risk of infection in the ear canal . An infec-
tion can arise as a result of inadequate ventilation of the ear .
We therefore recommend that you remove the hearing aid and
ear-set from your ear at night to allow the ear canal to be ven-
tilated . Make sure that you clean and inspect your hearing aid
and ear-set as required . If an infection occurs, you should seek
medical attention and contact your hearing care profession-
al for advice on how to disinfect the various hearing aid parts .
Do not under any circumstances use alcohol, chlorine or sim-
ilar substances .
• Do not use the hearing aids in mines or other areas with ex-
plosive gases .
do not wear your hearing aid during radiation, X-rays,
mris, Ct or other medical treatments and scans .
The emis-
sions from these procedures as well as from other types of ra-
diation, such as that in a microwave oven, can damage your
hearing aid . Radiation from, for example, room surveillance
equipment, burglar alarms and cell phones is weaker and will
not damage the hearing aid, but may create audible interfer-
ence .