intended use
The Melodia hearing aids are intended as air conduc-
tion amplification devices to be used in everyday listen-
ing environments .
indications for use
The devices are indicated for individuals with a range of
hearing loss severity from minimal (10 dB HL) to mod-
erately severe (85 dB HL) and all hearing loss config-
urations .
They are to be programmed by licensed hearing care
professionals (audiologists, hearing aid specialists, oto-
laryngologists) who are trained in hearing (re)habilita-
tion .
description of device
Your hearing aid is used with an ear-set which consists
of a tube and an ear-tip, dome or earmold . The hear-
ing aid uses a proprietary wireless technology to ena-
ble communication between the left and the right hear-
ing aids, as well as between the hearing aids and its
accessories .