(2) “2 Restart” menu. If an internal fault shutdown happens, a severe fault
has occurred inside the inverter. The user may perform a force restart once in
this menu if the user needs to restart the inverter.
(3) “3 Recover” menu, the manufacturer’s parameter default value can be
restored when the inverter is not in operation mode. Otherwise, a
“FaultOperated” will be prompted.
(4) In “4 ClrErrRecd” menu, history information of the faults can be cleared.
A confirmation is required to clear the records.
“Restart” function is effective only when the fault “IntFaultA~O” in
the troubleshooting table occurs. The inverter may restore to normal
operation automatically if alarm or protection faults occur. This
function will not respond when the inverter is in operation mode and
a “FaultOperated” alarm interface will be indicated.