BevMax_Media_Programming_10_6_10 Page 76 of 106
TELEMETRY – How it Works
Telemetry Devices come in 3 packages.
– Telemetry units that only contain ZigBee chips installed to communicate to a Gateway
Telemetry unit.
– Telemetry units that have both ZigBee chips for Mesh network communication and
cell Radios (GSM or CDMA) for cell network communication.
– Telemetry units that only contain Cell radios for cell network communication, no ZigBee
ship for mesh communication.
The Navigator or merchant Media onboard Telemetry devices query the Vending machine for DEX
file information on a predetermined schedule. This is done 2 times per day, generally in the AM – 2am
and again in the PM – 2pm.
Machine alerts are processed upon receipt by the telemetry devices and sent to the Operators VendMAX
system or by email to non-VendMAX users.
The Gateway Navigator or Merchant media Machine onboard Gateway device receives DEX, and
machine Alert information from the Client devices on its mesh network. It then transmits the
information over the cell network to Streamware Connect for storage and processing.
Credit Card Transaction, data is sent to the Credit card processor (Vantiv, Heartland) for Credit card
validation and processing. If the card is valid, an acknowledgement is returned to the Vending machine
and the product is vended. If not, a denied acknowledgement is returned to the Vending Machine and no
vend takes place until a valid card is used. The same information both Denied and Validated, are sent to
Streamware Connect were it is stored in the Consumer Insight report of the specific Operator. This