IQWrench2 Opta combines all the features of a high specification digital torque and angle
wrench with a data collection system in one ergonomic package.
The IQWrench2 Opta is a powerful, smart torque tool which is essential in both the Quality
Audit and Assembly environments. This rugged, but light tool can be used on a stand alone
basis or as part of a sophisticated production control system.
Depending on customer needs, the IQWrench2 Opta can be configured as either a basic tool
or an advanced data collection system. Flexibility is enhanced as the software in the
IQWrench2 Opta can be upgraded almost as soon as a change is required.
The IQWrench2 Opta features the following four measurement modes, Track, Peak , Audit
and Yield. All of the above modes, other than Track, when the options are enabled, have
the facility to set specification and control limits. This enables the wrench to give the user
information as to the status of the torque cycle. This information is displayed in 4 ways:
On screen
As multi colour LEDs (on the top and underside of the wrench)
As a buzzer
As a vibrating handle
These indicate a HI, LO or OK fastener status and are known as the
“Fastener Status