Interpole is an exciting Stereo Filter
offering a wealth of possibilities for the
treatment and processing of audio
signals. An integrated
envelope follower
low frequency oscillator (LFO)
modulate the filter in ways guaranteed to
give your sounds new life. With its two-
channel implementation of all sections and
a special LFO link mode, the filter can
produce compelling frequency- and level-
dependent stereo effects. Interpole is a
great tool for creating exciting
soundscapes from ordinary digital
sounds, simple mono recordings, or dull
sample loops.
The key element is the filter itself, which
is nothing less than the
24 dB lowpass
cascading filter of perhaps the best-
known of all vintage synths — still
considered to be one of the best sounding
filters ever. It’s to the special
characteristics of this filter that Interpole
owes its unique liveliness and warmth.
To retain the analog character of the filter
while providing a variety of sonic
possibilities CreamWare’s
Modeling process has been employed.
This has resulted in the highest-fidelity,
aliasing-free algorithm by which the ana-
log character of the filter is fully
So what are you waiting for? Let Inter-
pole add analog warmth to your
recordings, wake-up your sample loop
with wild filter modulations, or create a
stereo field for a synthesizer pad. It’s all
Guitarists can also use Interpole as a
real-time plugin. Process your funk
guitar with AutoWah or make your
electric bass sound like a synthesizer.
It’s all easy for Interpole.
Your CreamWare Team hopes your work
with Interpole will be both creative and