The following section describes general
settings pertaining to the device, the types
of modulation, and the operating modes.
Interpole has both
internal and external
inputs. The signal from the internal inputs
passes through the entire signal chain and
arrives at the filter to be processed. The
signal at the
external inputs serves a dif-
ferent purpose as a signal only to be
analyzed by the envelope follower section.
This switch selects which signal to send
to the envelope follower. The envelope
follower converts the amplitude changes
to control signals used for changing the
cutoff frequency or amplification. When set
Internal, the signal that is processed by
the filter is the same signal analyzed by
the envelope follower. When set to
the signal used for control functions is dif-
ferent than the one processed by the filter.
You can therefore use an external signal
to process the frequency spectrum of
another signal through filter modulation.
Selects the basic operating mode of the
envelope section. When
Env (Envelope
Follower) mode is enabled, the envelope
section supplies a continuous modulation
signal derived from an analysis of the input
signal. When
Gate is selected, an ADSR
envelope triggered by either an adjustable
threshold or a MIDI note-on instruction
supplies the modulation signal.
This switch enables or disables the effect
for the respective channel. With Bypass
enabled, the signal is routed directly from
the input to the output, bypassing the effect.