This section covers the general settings
and provides some tips regarding
modulation techniques. The Add page
section contains descriptions of some
other parameters.
This control adjusts the overall tuning of
the instrument. The range is +/- 2.5
Glide On
Enables the Glide function. When glide is
on one note glides into the next (glissando)
at an adjustable speed (see Glide, below).
When the glide function is enabled this
control adjusts the rate of the rise or fall in
pitch between notes.
Modulation Mix
Controls the proportion of oscillator 3 and
noise in the modulation signal. The
resulting signal is used to modulate the
oscillator bank and filter. To hear the result
you must have modulation switched on and
the modulation wheel set to produce some
Decay On
Switches the decay times of the envelopes
to assume the release time. The release
times are then controlled with the decay
controls. If Decay is off, the minimum
release time is used.