Hand-Held Wireless Transmitters
Drag the CNRFHT-15A or -30A from the Wireless Remotes | Wireless Remotes
(RF) folder of the
Device Library
and drop it on the CNRFGWA symbol in
. The CNRFGWA displays the transmitter at the transmitter’s default RF ID
location, “11,” as shown in the following illustration.
C2Net Device, Slot 9
Expand the system tree in the lower pane and double-click the CNRFHT-30A icon to
open the “Device Settings” window for the transmitter. Select the RF/IR ID tab to
change the transmitter RF ID, as shown in the following figure.
The hardware settings, which were described in “RF ID” on page 5, and the
software settings of the RF ID must match.
Transmitter “Device Settings” Window
Hand-Held Wireless Transmitter: CNRFHT-15A/30A
Operations Guide – DOC. 8092A