34 • HD-RX-4K-x10-C-E(-SW4)
Web Interface Configuration Guide — Doc. 9211A
RS232: Continue with Step 4.
4. (Applicable only when Send Command is set to CEC ->Custom or to RS232) Do the
a. Select the HEX (default value) or ASCII from the Command Format drop-down list
to specify whether the format of the command will be hexadecimal (HEX) or ASCII.
b. In the Command String text entry field, enter the command in hexadecimal or ASCII
When the HEX command format is selected, the Command String must be entered
as pairs of characters separated by a space. Valid characters are 0-9, a-f, and A-F.
A command string example is shown below:
58 00 0D 0A
c. In the Command Terminator drop-down list, select one of the following terminators
to append to the command:
None (specifies no terminator).
CR (carriage return).
LF (line feed).
CR LF (carriage return followed by a line feed).
5. Click
(if displayed) to test the command.
6. Click
to save the power-off settings.
Configuring Power-On Settings
After setting the Automatic Power setting to Enabled, configure power-on settings by doing the
following in the Power On (Sync Detected) section: