This feature provides an easy method of starting the vehicle without locating an exact tach wire. The system uses a timed
cranking output combined with the use of the Red/White tach wire as an engine ON/OFF monitor. The Red/White Tach
wire must still be used in this mode of operation. THIS FEATURE MUST BE PROGRAMMED BEFORE USE! THERE
ARE 2 LEVELS of programming required: First, set the system for “Timed Crank” operation, and secondly you may need
to adjust the amount of cranking time. There are 4 different crank times available for use. SEE OPTION
1. Go to the “Programmable Options” section of this manual, and turn “ON” Option #15 "Timed Crank". (It is normally on
Tach Monitor)
2. With “Timed Crank” turned ON, you will STILL have to connect the Red White Tach wire to a tach source on the
engine. The Red/White Tach wire becomes a simple “Engine Monitor”. Although the unit will not be using the Red
White wire to start the motor, it will be using this wire to determine whether the motor is running or not. This is a
mandatory connection. A “crude” or “less exact” tach source can be used only when in “Time Crank” mode.
3. Using the vehicle key, start the engine a few times to get a “feel” of how long the cranking time is. Once the “Timed
Crank” mode is turned on, the default cranking time is set to a default of 0.50 seconds. We recommend beginning with
this setting. Try a remote start and see if the cranking is appropriate for your vehicle
4. If 0.50 seconds is not an appropriate starter cranking time, then go to Programming Option #18 and change the crank
time setting to a longer value. The values are as follows: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.5 seconds.
WARNING: This method of starting the vehicle is not as reliable as using regular “Tach” or Smart Tachless
modes. This method should be used only in the event that a tach wire cannot be located using the normal tach
programming and tach finder. When using this method, there may be certain operating anomalies requiring
seasonal adjustments. These are, but not limited to:
Starter may under-crank in extreme cold weather. Vehicle may not start on 1
attempt and may require a 2
or 3
In warm weather when your vehicle may start very quickly, “Timed Crank” mode may tend to over-crank the starter.
The only ways to correct the above issues are to go to Option #18 and adjust the cranking time.
When in “Timed Crank” mode, the cranking time can only be adjusted manually through option #18. When the system
is in Tach or Smart Tachless modes the cranking time is controlled automatically by the microprocessor.