7.6 Graphical review of machine data
By pressing CENTER key from the primary user interface, with the cursor on
PM (Paper Machine), the measurements will be shows in a graphical form, with
the positions of the machine selected represented by single columns. This tool
is useful to evaluate the trend of measurements sampled.
Figure 46 - Water mass graph by the different machine positions
By pressing the LEFT or RIGHT key, the cursor can be moved over the machine
position which contain at least one measure. On the left of the screen it is
shown the following information, from the upper part:
- measure unit of the position selected
- maximum water mass value of the Y axis
- the position No. (at the cursor position) of the machine selected
- average water mass of the position No. selected by the cursor
- CV% of the position No. selected by the cursor
In the X axis can be represented up to 21 position at a time, if the number of
position is greater, an arrow will appear in the right of the graph, to indicate
that there are more positions to be shown. Moving the cursor
RIGTH over the last position will show up the remaining position. To go back,
move the cursor to the LEFT over the first position.
Figure 47 - Water mass graph exceeding 21 positions
The Y axis can be expanded by pressing UP or DOWN key, while the value of
the position selected turns into the maximum value of the Y axis. Value over
this limit are represented with an arrow up in the top of the bar, all other value
are consequently scaled.
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