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Data logging can take an appreciable time to execute, so it is useful to program
the instrument to generate a service request on completion of the logging
function. The following command sequence can be used:
*SRE 16
Enables the Message Available bit to trigger a service request
Clears the Message Available bit
Initiates data logging
Sets RQS on completion of the log
Alternatively, the application programme can continuously poll the Message
Available bit using *STB?.
The Status Byte Register can also be read by an IEEE-488.1 serial poll sequence.
4.8 Front Panel Operations
The currently selected interface is indicated by the “RS-232” or “IEEE” legend.
Talk Only mode is indicated by the “Talk” legend.
The “REM” legend indicates that the microhmmeter is under control of the remote
interface. The front panel keys will be locked out.
The “MEAS” legend indicates that a measurement cycle is in progress.
For the IEEE-488 interface, the “TALK/LSTN” legends indicate that the device has
been addressed by the system controller. Operation, however, may be local or