Getting Started
SAM4s ER-650
Basic Features and Functions
Standard Hardware
Adjustable 8-line, 20-character liquid crystal display.
Flat spill resistant 98-position keyboard.
Thermal 32-column printer.
Sturdy Metal Cash Drawer with removable 5 Bill/5 Coin insert.
7-position control lock.
Standard customer pole display.
Communications ports: 2 RS232C & IRC.
Optional Hardware
Load cell scale.
Kitchen printer or video requisition system.
Bar code scanner.
Coin changer.
Pole Display.
Liquor dispensing system.
DataTran Integrated Payment Appliance.
Real clerk keys and lock assembly for 15 clerks.
Software Features
63 standard/80 maximum keyboard PLU keys.
Up to 5 price levels for each PLU.
Up to 5 PLU modifier keys (i.e. small, medium, and large).
Over 10,000 Price Look Ups (PLUs) are available. (The total number of PLUs
available varies by memory allocation. Ask your
dealer for more
information.) To accommodate UPC scanning, each PLU can be given an
identifying number up to 14 digits in length.
12 character programmable descriptors for PLUs and functions.
Up to 99 PLU Group totals.
Up to 99 clerks with separate report totals.
Employee time keeping functions for each clerk.