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CRU Rhino Jr RJ33S Quick Start Guide


CRU Rhino Jr RJ33S Quick Start Guide

PMS 711

2 cyan

85 magenta

76 yellow


CRU Mark

1 Hardware Setup

1.1 Frame InStallatIon

a.   Slide the Rhino Jr RJ33S removable drive enclosure into an open 5.25” drive bay in your 

computer workstation.

b.  Secure the RJ33S to the chassis with the mounting screws provided.

c.  Connect the included unified power and data cable to the rear of the RJ33S. 

d.  Connect the data cable to the appropriate SAS or SATA port on your computer’s mother-

board or SAS/SATA host card. 

e.  Attach the Molex power connector to your computer’s power supply.

f.  Connect the 4-pin LED cable attached to the unified power and data cable to the open 4-pin 

connector on the rear of the RJ33S.

1.2 drIve InStallatIon

a.  If the Rhino Jr RJ33S is locked, use the provided key to rotate the lock switch 90 degrees 

counterclockwise to unlock the drive.

b.  Pull the ejection handle on the TrayFree bay to open the bay door.

c.  Remove any drive already in the bay.

d.  Insert a SATA drive into the bay. Make sure it’s label-side up with the SATA connection on 

the drive inserted first toward the rear of the enclosure.

e.  Shut the bay door. When the door is shut, the green power LED will illuminate and the 

drive inside the RJ33S will mount to your computer.

f.  You may optionally lock the bay door by rotating the lock 90 degrees with the included key. 

2 ejectIng drIveS From tHe rj33S

After ejecting a drive, you may need to restart your computer in order to remount the 

drive unless you have a hotswap-capable host.

2.1 wIndowS

a.  Ensure that no file transfers are taking place by making sure that the Drive Activity LED is 

not blinking, as removing the drive while a file transfer is in progress can result in data loss.

b.  If the bay is locked, rotate the lock switch 90 degrees counterclockwise to unlock it.

c.  Remove the drive from the RJ33S.

If you have a SAS/SATA host card or motherboard that supports hot-swapping, 

then you should first unmount the volume by left-clicking on the the USB plug icon 

with the green checkmark on the Desktop task bar and then selecting the proper 

device from the menu that pops up. Volumes not on a hotswap-capable host may 

not appear here.

2.2 oS X/macoS

a.  First, ensure that no file transfers are taking place by making sure that the Drive Activity 

LED is not blinking, as disconnecting the unit while a file transfer is in progress can result 
in data loss. 

b.  Unmount the volume before removing the drive by dragging the volume’s icon to the 


, or by selecting the volume and pressing 

c e

c.  If the bay is locked, rotate the lock switch 90 degrees clockwise to unlock it.

d.  Remove the drive from the RJ33S. 

3 led BeHavIor

led name







The drive is powered on.

Drive Activity



The drive is being accessed.



The drive does not support drive activity polling.

Rhino Jr RJ33S Rev 1.0 Quick Start Guide.indd   2

2/17/2017   2:11:19 PM
