Crystal Vision
Check that cool air is able to circulate through the front panel grilles and out of the
ventilation holes at each side of the frame
Check that the panel and PSU fans are operational and that the FRONT FAN and
PSU FAN LEDs are not red
What should I do if the PSU FAN LED is red?
Check that the PSU fan is plugged in correctly
Try replacing the fan
What should I do if the FRONT FAN LED is red?
Check that all front control panel fans are plugged in correctly
Try replacing the fan(s).
What should I do if the UPPER or LOWER PSU LED is red?
Check that the mains cord is connected to the PSU indicating the fault
Try replacing the appropriate PSU
Why does the LOWER PSU LED flash from green to off?
This will occur if two PSUs are fitted when the 2/1 PSU switch at the rear of the
front panel is set for only one PSU. Move the switch into the 2 position
Why doesn't the switch on the front panel that sets the slot address work?
Changing this switch only takes effect the next time the front panel is powered up
Indigo 2AE and 2SE User Manual R1.17
27 February 2020