Crystal Vision
TANDEM HD-20 User Manual R1.4
Headphone Monitoring
A powerful 12-source stereo monitoring bus provides audio monitoring at the card edge
headphone socket. Select any valid stereo signal to be monitored by checking the appropriate
radio button.
Odd channel numbers will appear in the left headphone with the corresponding even channel
appearing in the right.
F (front) and R (rear) indicate a sub-PCB and its location when fitted to the TANDEM HD-20
The Alarms menu gives access to the GPO assignment, Silence alarm delay and Factory
TANDEM HD-20 Statesman Alarm menu
Using GPI outputs
There are two GPI outputs, GPO5 for video missing and GPO6, which may be assigned to the
eight output silence alarms. If silence is sustained for more than the ‘silence detect delay’ the
assigned GPO will be asserted low as an alarm when ‘flag’ is selected.
Visual indication of GPO5 and 6 status is also provided.
See Section 2.4 for further discussion of GPIs and pinout details.