1644526G (406807)
1644526G (406807)
The body prop is designed and intended to support an EMPTY truck body in the raised position. Use of
the body prop permits service to be performed safely beneath a raised body. It is mounted on the outside
of the truck frame on the drivers side.
1. Raise the body half way up and brace it securely before beginning installation.
2. Install the prop arm on the hoist mount / prop pivot with a 1/4 x 3 roll pin. Raise the body
prop arm to the vertical, free standing position. Place the body prop bracket in the prop
arm saddle. Lower the body so the bottom of the longbeam body prop bracket is between
1/2” and 1 1/2” up from the bottom of the body longbeam. For bodies with angled long-
beams, keep the longbeam body prop bracket as low as possible. Securely weld the bracket
to the longbeam.
3. To operate the body prop, raise the body to the desired height, shut off all power, raise the
prop arm to a free standing position. Lower the body slowly until the body prop bracket
contacts the prop arm saddle.
4. To place the body prop in the storage position, raise the body to clear the body prop saddle,
lower the body prop to the storage position and lower the body.
5. When mounting the passenger’s side prop, replace the hoist mounting angle with the hoist
mount/prop pivot. Prop the body in the raised position using the driver’s side prop. This
will ensure that both props are supporting the empty body.
An optional passenger’s side prop kit is available.
Install grease zerks in the hoist frame. Lubricate all fittings at regular intervals, at least every 100 cycles
or every two months. The grease fittings are located (See Fig. 19.) as follows:
A. Rear Hinge ..................................................
2 fittings
B. Lower Cylinder Mount ................................
2 fittings
C. Lower Crosstube ..........................................
1 fitting per prop
D. Upper Crosstube ..........................................
2 fittings
E. Cylinder Crosshead ......................................
1 90° fitting
F. Center Hinge ................................................
1 fitting
G. Body Prop ....................................................
1 90° fitting
Fig. 19
Fig. 20