CS Instruments
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Air leaks produce wide-band ultrasounds in the range of 20 ... 80 kHz. The
higher the frequency the more energy it contains. But higher frequencies
can't be transported in air that far. That's why LD 300 operates at a centre
frequency of 40 kHz which compromises an optimum between energy and
distance. Frequencies below and above are cut in order to minimize the
noise level.
Scope of delivery
Order No.
LD 300 Leak Detector set consisting of:
0601 0103
LD 300 Leak Detector
0560 0102
Sensor unit
0605 0001
Noise isolated head set
0554 0102
Focus tube and focus tip
0530 0101
Cable to detach sound probe from instrument
0553 0101
Battery charger
0554 0001
Transport case
0554 0101
Accessories not includes in set:
Ultrasonic Tone Generator
0554 0103
Telescope extension with cable
0530 0102