INSTRUCTION MANUAL Digital Light Engraver
Operation and Cleaning
Effective date
Focus Test for the DLE Engraver
The focus test needs to be carried out in order to determine the optimum
focus value. Thus, banding can be avoided when the screen is imaged.
The following information describes how the focus value in the DLE soft-
ware is changed. In order to carry out the test, you will need a printed
sample which you can use to evaluate the quality required.
In order to find the best focus, a number of imaging passes must be per-
formed with different focus values. The focus value in the software moves
in a range from -9 to +9.
Open the DLE software, click on the "Utilities” tab and select “Test" in the
drop down menu.
In the new window you will be prompted for a password. The password is:
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