C h a p t e r 1
M a n u a l O v e r v i e w a n d
S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s
Thank you for purchasing a PowerStation RS (Remote System)
Monitor. You will find that the RS Monitor has been designed to
provide years of trouble-free operation even in the harshest envi-
The RS Monitor is a flat-panel monitor that can be mounted in a
control enclosure or on an adjustable arm. It can be used with the
PowerStation RS PC or with other computers that run MS-DOS®
or Windows® 95, 98, or NT operating systems.
This manual describes the RS Monitor’s features and technical
specifications. It also explains procedures for installing, main-
taining, and troubleshooting the monitor. Please take time to
review the manual and all related documentation before operating
the unit.
Chapter Contents
Using this Manual
Documentation Components
Software Components
Getting Started
Documentation Standards
Customer Support Services