Issued: 08/01/06
Page Number: 5-12
Date of Revision: 10/31/11
Landing conditions
Outside air temperature (OAT)
70 °F
Pressure altitude at airport
2000 feet
Aircraft weight
1200 lbs
10 kts
On the graph at the furthest left of the chart, identify point A where the OAT intersects with the pressure altitude at the airport. Note
the pressure altitude lines on the chart are at even thousands of feet. If the field altitude is between two lines, place point A between
the appropriate lines at approximately the correct spacing. Extend a line horizontally from point A to the reference line on the second
graph (the one in the center). From there, follow parallel to the weight lines until you reach 1200 lbs. This is point B.
Extend a line horizontally from point B to the reference line on the graph on the right. From there, follow parallel to the wind lines until
you reach 10 knots. This is point C.
From point C extend a line horizontally to the axis on the far right of the chart. This will give you the total landing distance to clear a
50’ obstacle (approximately 790 ft.) under the conditions listed above, assuming a smooth runway with no appreciable slope.