01040707 B 07/21
Arsenic Fact Sheet
Arsenic – A naturally occurring water contaminant
Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring contaminant found in many ground waters� It can exist in two forms identified by the
oxidation state or valence� One form is pentavalent arsenic known as As(V), As(+5), and arsenate� The other form is trivalent
arsenic known as As(III), As(+3), and arsenite� In natural ground water, arsenic may exist as pentavalent, trivalent arsenic, or a
combination of both� More information about arsenic and its toxicity can be found by following the links below�
Determining Arsenic levels in your water
Arsenic does not impart color, taste, or odor to water and can only be detected by analytical testing methods specifically
for arsenic� Public water suppliers are required by EPA to regularly monitor water quality for the presence of arsenic� The
results of those tests are published and available annually to the public in the form of a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)�
The EPA recommends consumers with private water sources test their water annually� The test should include arsenic if it
is known to be prevalent in your geographical area� Local health departments and state environmental agencies can offer
guidance and provide a list of certified laboratories� The Culligan Analytical lab offers testing services through the Culligan
dealer network for arsenic including total arsenic and speciation of Type III and Type V arsenic� Arsenic tests cost in the range
of $15 to $30 per sample�
Arsenic Reduction by Culligan Smart HE Arsenic Filters
The Culligan Smart HE Arsenic Reduction Filter system is designed to reduce both pentavalent and trivalent forms of arsenic�
This treatment system was tested under laboratory conditions as defined in NSF/ANSI 53 Drinking Water Treatment Units
- Health Effects and was found to reduce an arsenic challenge concentration of �10 mg/l (100 ppb) arsenic to less than �01
mg/L (10 ppb) of arsenic� Challenge waters consisted entirely of pentavalent or trivalent arsenic at pH levels of 6�5 and 8�5
and each test challenge water was reduced to less than 0�010 mg/L (10 ppb) of arsenic� Treated water capacities for Smart
HE Arsenic filters are 125,000 gallons for 12", 180,000 gallons for 14", and 250,000 gallons for 16" systems under standard
testing conditions� Actual performance of the system may vary depending on the individual water quality conditions of the
water supply� Following installation of this system, the consumer should have the treated water tested for arsenic to verify
that arsenic reduction is being achieved and the system is functioning properly�
The Culligan AsX53 arsenic removal media component of this system must be replaced at the end of its useful life of
125,000 gallons for 12", 180,000 gallons for 14", and 250,000 gallons for 16" systems� The Culligan Smart HE Arsenic Filter
controller monitors the volume of water treated by the system and alerts the customer by way of a visual display reading
“Replace Media” when the end of the usable service life is approaching� An audible alarm on the Smart HE controller and
an alert notification by the Culligan Connect App can also be used to monitor media life� Replacement Culligan AsX53
arsenic reduction media is available through your local Culligan dealer�
Monitoring Arsenic levels in treated water.
Your local Culligan dealer can provide periodic arsenic testing services to monitor treated water quality including an automatic
annual testing program offered through the Culligan Analytical Laboratory� Ask your local Culligan dealer for details and pricing
for this convenient monitoring service�