MHW 0007 – DK 1694 | Version 002 – 15/07/2019 | custo med GmbH
[2] Holter hardware, custo fl ash 500 / 510 / 510V / 501/ 501L |
page 5
Hardware, description of device for custo flash 500 / 510 / 510V / 501 / 501L
custo flash 500/510/510V/501/501L is a portable Holter device with an internal
power supply which is used to record a 3-channel ECG signal over a period ranging
from 24 hours to seven days.
custo flash 500 / 510 / 510V / 501 / 501L is perfectly safe for patients with a pace-
maker. The ECG recording is not affected by pacemaker pulses.
The system is intended for use by trained specialist staff or physicians in clinics
and medical practices. Patients are only allowed to use the recording device after
receiving instruction by trained specialist staff. Patients who are not capable of un-
derstanding and following the instructions given are not allowed to use the device.
This applies in particular to senile patients or patients suffering from dementia.
custo flash 500 / 510 / 510V / 501 / 501L is not suitable
for intracardiac use.
custo flash 500 / 510 / 510V / 501 / 501L is not suitable
for children weighing less than 10 kg.
Characteristics of the recorder types
custo flash...
recording time max. 24 h
recording time max. 7 Tage
pacemaker detection
ANS diagnostics
for holter online (sender)
with Software custo diagnostic light