User Manual
CybTouch series
CybTouch series
User Manual
Set-point beam (Y axis) / bend angle
The CybTouch has three different modes to manage the Y axis. Touching one of the icons
on the left allows going from one mode to another. The three modes are:
In this mode, the operator simply enters the desired angle and the CybTouch
will calculate the position at which the beam will stop (BDC).
In this mode, the operator can see the calculated target of the angle. It is
possible to change the value.
This is the bottoming mode. When the beam stops, or when the target value is
reached, the bending cycle continues (dwell time, return).
When activated, the calculated bottoming value is displayed in grey. It is however
possible to modify this value, which will then be displayed in black. It can only be
used if both the tools accept bottoming (see
Set-point back gauge (X axis) / flange length
The CybTouch has two different modes to manage the back-gauge X axis. Touching one of
the icons on the left allows going from one mode to another. The two modes are:
In this mode, the operator simply enters the desired length for the flange and
the CybTouch will calculate the position for the back-gauge X axis. This mode is
only available when programming a part with the
This mode shows the targeted position for the back-gauge X axis.
This is the relative mode. The back gauge makes a relative movement of the
value entered. When the value entered is negative, the back gauge moves in
the operator’s direction.
The relative mode is activated/deactivated by pressing the back-gauge icon for
2 seconds.
Relative movement is not possible on the first sequence (neither on Easy Bend)
or on graphical parts.
User Preference
allows choosing which mode is displayed by default