This chapter describes how to unpack and assemble your 500 series cycle and how to use
setup mode to configure the cycle for your situation.
Assembly Overview
It's easy to assemble the 500C Cycle (upright) and 500R Recumbent Cycle - it will probably
take about 45 minutes. You need these common tools:
• 3/16" Allen wrench
• 7/16" Wrench or socket wrench and ratchet
• #2 Phillips screwdriver
• ½" Box-end or open-end wrench (if you have the optional Polar heart rate monitor for the
500R Recumbent Cycle)
Here's an overview of the steps in the assembly:
1. Unpack your 500 series cycle and make sure you have all the parts.
2. Follow the detailed assembly instructions. There are separate sections on assembling the
500C Cycle and the 500R Recumbent Cycle.
3. If you choose to, plug in your cycle.
Unpacking Your 500 Series Cycle
Use the 7/16" socket or wrench to remove the brackets holding the chassis feet to the pallet.
Remove all the other parts from the shipping carton. Make sure you have all the parts by
checking against the parts list for your type of cycle - recumbent or upright.
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Chapter 2 - Assembly and Setup