PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-11190 Rev. *B
Expansion Connectors
Arduino-compatible Headers (J1 to J8, and J12)
This kit has nine Arduino-compatible headers: J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, and J12. You can
develop applications based on the Arduino shield’s hardware. The J1 header contains I/O pins for
reset, internal reference voltage (IOREF), and power supply lines. The J2 header is an analog port
that contains I/O pins for the SAR ADC. The J3 header is primarily a digital port that contains I/O pins
for PWM, I2C, SPI, and analog reference. The J4 header is also a digital port that contains I/O pins
for UART and PWM. The J12 header is an Arduino ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) compatible
header for the SPI interface. Refer to the “No Load Components” section of the Bill of Materials for
the header part number. The J5, J6, J7 and J8 headers are used to connect the PSoC Analog
Coprocessor Pioneer Kit as shield. The reset and power supply lines are routed to J5, few I/Os are
routed to J6, I2C lines are routed to J7, and UART lines are routed to J8. While using the kit as a
shield, the connectors provided with the kit can be used to provide extra clearance between the
shield and the base board.
Functionality of Header J12 (Unpopulated)
The J12 header is a 2 × 3 header that supports Arduino shields. This header is used on a small
subset of shields and is not populated on the PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit.
PSoC 5LP GPIO Header (J16)
An 8 × 2 header is provided on the board to bring out several pins of the PSoC 5LP device to support
advanced features such as a low-speed oscilloscope and a low-speed digital logic analyzer. This
header also contains USB-UART bridge pins and USB-I2C bridge pins that can be used when these
pins are not accessible on Arduino-compatible headers because a shield is connected. The
additional pins on this header are direct connections to the internal programmable analog logic of
PSoC 5LP. This header also has GPIOs for custom application usage.
KitProg2 Custom Application Header (J11)
A 5 × 2 header is provided on the board to bring out more GPIOs of PSoC 5LP for custom applica-
tion usage. This header also brings out the PSoC 5LP programming pins and can be programmed
and 5-pin programming connector.
USB Mini-B Connector
The PSoC 5LP device connects to the USB port of a PC through a USB Mini-B connector, which can
also be used to power the PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit. A resettable fuse is used to pro-
tect the computer's USB port from shorts and overcurrent. If more than 500 mA is drawn from the
USB connector, the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is
Analog Sensors
Refer to the
Analog Sensors chapter on page 23
Pioneer Board LEDs
The Pioneer board has five LEDs. Three status LEDs (Red, Amber and Green) indicate the status of
the KitProg2. Refer to the Troubleshooting section in
for more information on