8.3 Stage 2 – Measuring water flux
To determine the effectiveness of cleaning and the end of the service life of the cassette, you should
measure the water flux after cleaning. Compare the water flux measurement with the as new and
historical flux measurements.
To determine the cassette’s water flux, follow the procedure described in this user guide. However,
instead of measuring the flux at the two recommended pressures, measure the flux flow at the target
pressure for your type of cassette – 0.7 barg (10 psig) for ultrafiltration cassettes – and determine the
cassette’s water flux normalized to a water temperature of 20 °C.
Interpreting water flux values
Compare the post-cleaning flux value with the as new flux values. If the post-cleaning flux values are
less than 60 to 80 percent of the new flux values, you may have to repeat or change the cleaning
procedure. If, after all cleaning attempts, the post-cleaning flux values are still less than 60 to 80
percent of the new flux values, you may want to replace the cassette.
8 Cleaning and Storing
8.3 Stage 2 – Measuring water flux
Learning to Use the Kvick Lab Cassette Holder User Manual 18117269 AI