RZN 4402/04-K
Smoke Vent Button
Place(s) of mounting:
Maximal 8 smoke vent buttons can be
Main control must be mounted on ground-floor
according to VdS 2221.
Secondary control is to be installed in all other
floor levels according to VdS 2221.
Install buttons so, that they are accessible
any time and clearly visible.
Mounting height:
1,5m above upper edge of firm flooring.
With plug screws 4,5 x 40mm diagonal, or
direct on 55mm flush box with 2 screws.
Housing colour:
Standard: deep orange (RAL 2011),
according to VdS 2592.
However, deviating colours might be locally
required (blue, yellow, red).
Please consult your D+H distributor.
Smoke and heat vent opening:
Smoke gases are to be carried off as
unhindered as possible through smoke and
heat vent opening in case of fire.
According to relevant rules, openings have
to be placed always in the upper part of a
The smoke and heat vent opening can be
mounted in the wall as well as in the ceiling.
Size, kind and arrangement of the opening
is of decisive significance for an optimal
effect of the smoke and heat vent system.
The important thing here is, that an escape
must not be hindered by the window wing
itself, by structural facts like offsets, or the
Minimum ventilating surface is given by le-
gal regulations and structural facts. The
smoke vent opening must be at least 1m² or
5% of the basis, dependent on the LBO.
The valuated sizes of opening angles of
smoke and heat vent systems must be in
agreement with the responsible fire
protection authority.
Observe! Window wings, opening inward,
must not project in escape/ and rescue
routes and obstruct them.
Mounting of the drives:
Please take mounting informations from the
relevant instruction for use of the respective
drive, because of varied possibilities for
choosing drives.
When Dip switch 10 is on ON, the smoke
vent will be triggered with an OPEN-
impulse every 2 minutes for a duration of
30 minutes according to VdS 2581. For this,
the drive must be blockage safe according
to VdS 2580 par. 4.7. . All D+H drives meet
this precondition. Otherwise Dip switch 10
is to be switched on OFF.