Update history
Click the « update history » button to get the latest episodes of your podcast. It will
check the newly appeared episodes which have not yet been synchronized on your
device. Next time you will synchronize, these episodes will be transferred to your
4. Synchronizing podcasts on your mobile device
You can synchronize individual podcasts or all your podcasts. Synchronization can be
done automatically or manually.
Your mobile device must be connected to your computer during the synchronization.
Your device must also be configured (a default configuration is automatically defined
by D-JIX Media. You can modify it in the device manager dialog accessible from the
Tools\Device manager menu)
4.1 Automatic synchronization
D-JIX Media allows you to synchronize podcasts automatically. You can specify the
synchronization frequency as well as the podcasts you want to synchronize. At the
time you specified, D-JIX Media checks if new episodes of your podcasts are
available, download them and copy them on your mobile device.
Choose the synchronization frequency
To select a synchronization frequency, double-click on your podcasts list and open the
schedule tab. Click the add button and specify the synchronization frequency:
: Select the day and time you want to synchronize your podcasts. For
example, you can synchronize your podcasts every day at 5AM before going
to work.
: Select a weekly frequency. Specify the days and time of the week you
want to synchronize your podcasts. For example, you might want to
synchronize your podcasts on business days only.
Month :
Select a monthly frequency. Specify the days and time of the month
you want to synchronize your podcasts : first day of the month, last day of the
month or a given day.
Select the starting date of your schedule (by default, D-JIX Media uses the current
date). When closing the “my podcasts properties” dialog, the next synchronization
date appears in the schedule column.
Notes :
A default schedule time is set everyday at 8PM.
You can schedule several synchronization times.
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