10BASE-T Stackable Hubs
Late Col
(manageable models only)
The Late Col indicator lights when a collision is detected that happened
after the 512th bit of a frame. Late collisions may be caused by overly
long delays in the Ethernet network, either due to cable that is too long or
a repeater (hub) count that is too high.
(manageable models only)
The Runt indicator lights when the hub receives a packet that is too short.
Ethernet packets must be at least 64 bytes long. Runts are often a normal
side effect of collisions.
(manageable models only)
The indicator lights amber when other types of Ethernet errors occur.
Utilization %
The utilization bar graph displays the percentage utilization of Ethernet
bandwidth, comparing the amount of data being transmitted over the
network with the maximum amount possible. All received Ethernet
frames are counted, whether they were valid or not. The hub updates this
display every 0.5 seconds.
The HUB ID display indicates the Unit ID of the hub. In a hub stack,
each hub unit should have a unique ID. The hub is capable of
automatically setting the hub ID, freeing you from having to do so.
Using the console interface, you can turn on Group ID flashing, which
will make the hub ID indicator flash off and on. This may be useful for
identifying a specific hub or a hub stack within a large bank of hubs.
The Segmented indicator lights when the entire hub has been manually
segmented off from the rest of the network. Normally the hubs are
External Features and Indicators