lmquery_interval <sec 1-25> -
The last Member
query interval is the max response time inserted
into group-specific queries sent in response to
leave group messages, and is also the amount of
time between group-specific query messages.
This value may be adjusted to modify the "leave
latency" of the network. A reduced value results
in reduced time to detect the loss of the last
member of a group. Default is 1 second.
leave_time <sec 0-25> -
The interval after which
a leave message is forwarded on a port. When a
leave message from a host for a group is
received, a group-specific query is sent to the
port on which the leave message is received. A
timer is started with a time interval equal to
IgsLeaveProcessInterval. If a report message is
received before the timer expires, the Leave
message is dropped. Otherwise the Leave
message is forwarded to the port. Default is 1
enable/disable -
To enable or disable IGMP
snooping for a given VLAN.
Example usage:
To configure IGMP snooping:
Figure 91. config igmp_snooping command