background image

cable from the DFL-1000 External Interface to the Public Switch or Router 
provided by your Internet Service Provider. 

 Advanced Configuration 

Now that you have completed the basic network setup, the DFL-1000 
should be operating with the default policy, which is to allow all traffic origi-
nating from Internal to reach outside, and deny all traffic originating from 
the Internet.    The default security level for Virus Protection is Low. You 
can regularly go to visit 

web site


for updating virus scan 

Now you are ready to begin the Advanced Configuration of the DFL-1000. 

Please refer to the User Manual for more information. 


At any time during the installation process if the DFL-1000 is not 
responding correctly, you can shut it down and restart it. 

From the web-based manager: 

1.   Go to System > Status. 

2.   Click Restart. 

From the CLI: 
