Mobile Wireless roUTer
Mobile Wireless roUTer
CreaTe a Wireless neTWork anyWhere
PorTAble Mobile Wireless
Create a reliable mobile high-speed
wireless network wherever you go
Use your 3.5G connection as a backup for
your aDsl/cable internet service
3.5G CoNNeCTioN sHAriNG
attach your 3.5G adapter to the router’s Usb port to enjoy
internet service with your family or colleagues
MaXiMUM PorTabiliTy
The D-link Mobile Wireless router allows users to access worldwide mobile broadband. simply insert a compatible 3.5G Usb adapter and share your 3.5G
internet connection through a secure, high-speed wireless network. enjoy increased speed and range over traditional 802.11g/b standards
thanks to the latest
Wireless n 150 technology. a 10/100 ethernet Wan port allows you to attach a Dsl/Cable modem as the primary or backup link, while auto-failover ensures an
uninterrupted connection by automatically connecting to your 3.5G network whenever the Wan link is lost.
aDVanCeD neTWork seCUriTy
The Dir-412 ensures a secure Wi-Fi network through the use of WPa/WPa2 wireless encryption. simply press the WPs button to quickly establish a secure
connection to new devices. The Dir-412 also utilizes dual-active firewalls (sPi and naT) to prevent potential attacks and intrusions from across the internet.
siMPle To insTall anD Use
The Mobile Wireless router can be installed quickly and easily almost anywhere. This router is great for situations where an impromptu wireless network must
be set up, or wherever conventional network access is unavailable. The Dir-412 can even be installed on buses, trains, or boats, allowing passengers to check
e-mail or chat online while commuting.