DWS-3160 Series Gigabit Ethernet Unified Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 2-2 Switch Status window
Use the drop-down menu to select a Switch to view the information.
The fields that can be displayed are described below:
Total Access Points
Total number of Managed APs in the database. This value is always equal to the
sum of Managed Access Points, Connection Failed Access Points, and Discovered
Access Points.
Total Clients
Total number of clients in the database. This total includes clients with an
Associated, Authenticated, or Disassociated status.
Managed Access Points
Number of APs in the managed AP database that are authenticated, configured,
and have an active connection with the wireless switch.
Authenticated Clients
Total number of clients in the associated client database with an Authenticated
Discovered Access
APs that have a connection with the switch, but haven't been completely
configured. This value includes all managed APs with a Discovered or
Authenticated status.
IP Address
IP address of the switch.
Connection Failed
Access Points
Number of APs that were previously authenticated and managed, but currently
don't have connection with the wireless switch.
Cluster Priority
Cluster priority value of the switch.
The switch with highest priority in a cluster becomes the Cluster Controller. If the
priority is the same, the switch with lowest IP address becomes the Cluster
Controller. A priority of 0 means that the switch cannot become the Cluster
Maximum Managed
Access Points
Maximum number of access points that can be managed by the switch.
Distributed Tunnel
Total number of clients that are associated with an AP that are using distributed
WLAN Utilization
Total network utilization across all APs managed by this switch. This is based on
global statistics.
WLAN Bytes
Total bytes transmitted across all APs managed by the switch.