xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
It is connected to the CS through the CS management VLAN.
The following rules also apply to the above roles:
1. Each device begins in the Commander state.
2. CS’s must change their role to CaS and then to MS, to become a MS of a SIM group. Thus the CS
cannot directly be converted to a MS.
3. The user can manually configure a CS to become a CaS.
4. A MS can become a CaS by:
a. Being configured as a CaS through the CS.
b. If report packets from the CS to the MS time out.
5. The user can manually configure a CaS to become a CS
6. The CaS can be configured through the CS to become a MS.
After configuring one switch to operate as the CS of a SIM group, additional DES-3828 switches may
join the group by either an automatic method or by manually configuring the Switch to be a MS. The CS
will then serve as the in band entry point for access to the MS. The CS’s IP address will become the path
to all MS’s of the group and the CS’s Administrator’s password, and/or authentication will control access
to all MS’s of the SIM group.
With SIM enabled, the applications in the CS will redirect the packet instead of executing the packets.
The applications will decode the packet from the administrator, modify some data, then send it to the MS.
After execution, the CS may receive a response packet from the MS, which it will encode and send back
to the administrator.
When a CS becomes a MS, it automatically becomes a member of the first SNMP community (include
read/write and read only) to which the CS belongs. However if a MS has its own IP address, it can belong
to SNMP communities to which other switches in the group, including the CS, do not belong.
The SIM commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate
parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
enable sim
disable sim
show sim
{[candidates {<candidate_id 1-100>} | members {<member_id 1-
32> } | group {commander_mac <macaddr>}] | neighbor]}
{member_id <value 1-32> | exit}
config sim_group
[ add <candidate_id 1-100> {<password>} | delete <member_id 1-
32> ]
config sim
[{[ commander {group_name <groupname 64> | candidate] |
dp_interval <sec 30-90> | hold_time <sec 100-255>}
download sim_ms
[firmware_from_tftp | configuration_from_tftp] <ipaddr>
<path_filename>{[ members <mslist 1-32> | all]}
upload sim_ms
[configuration_to_tftp | log_to_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename> {
[members <mslist> | all]}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.