www.securemme.it | E-mail: info@securemme
11. Turn the smartphone bluetooth on and scan for new devices.
12. Connect it with the device having the default name Securemme.
Download the specific smartphone applica on by typing Dsmart or Securemme into the
IOs, Android and Windows Phone storse, then open it.
14. Add a new device by clicking on + (Add lock)
15. Click on Scan
to find the Securemme device with its rela ve address.
16. Click on Securemme and connect the device with the smartphone.
Click on the logo se ngs to get access to the lock detail.
18. Click on
date and me
and save to synchronize the me with the device.
19. Insert the Factory master code:
20. Click on
Advanced op ons
for the configura on of the door.
21. Set the motor power: the power is set on a standard default value, it is possibile to in-
crease this value of 15% in case of more fric on. Please note that an increase of the po-
wer corresponds to an increase of the ba ery drain.
22. Closing mode: Manual= closing of the lock even with door opened (without amgnet); Se-
miautoma c
= closing of the lock by clicking on the red bu on only with door closed (it is
necessary to affix the magnet);
Automa c
= closing of the lock every me the door is clo-
sed (it is necessary to affix the magnet).
23. Closing sensor
: use the default magnetometer (affix the magnet on the door frame).
Opening direc on
: set right or le according to the door orienta on.
Calibrate magnetometer: do this opera on with “closing mode”=manual. Apply the ma-
gnet on the frame without s cking it, but by placing it in the middle of the frame in
with the handle (see Fig 11); close the door and click on the command “Calibrate” when
the door is closed. Remember to check that the acquired data with closed door should be
higher than 300 points over the value acquired when the door is slightly away from the
swing door. Otherwise replace the magnet and repeat the opera on. Now is possibile to
set the semi-
automa c or automa c closure.