www.securemme.it | E-mail: info@securemme
38. Once added the first user enter in Key
N.B. Also the owner/administrator of the door must know the creden als to access with the
smartphone, transponder and/or numeric keypad.
39. In the menu Key Detail click on Change Access Method.
Enable the user to the desired op ons: smartphone, transponder and/or numeric keypad.
For the transponder, check the field on the applica on and put the transponder next to
the external numeric kaypad. The device will give you a confirma on by authoma cally
opening the latch of the lock.
For the numeric keypad, set the code of at least 4 characters and confirm it.
42. Check the user’s creden als by clicking on
Show Creden als
43. By clicking on Change Time Slot is possible to enable every single user to more than one
me slot per day (from Monday to Sunday).
44. In Access List you can see the last 30 accesses of every single user: next to every authorized
access a green ck is present, while next to an anuthorized one there will be a red cross (
45. Delete User: go back to the Key details menu and click on Delete Key.
46. First user access with smartphone: go back to the homepage, click Open and only for the
first me the user’s creden al previously created should be filled in.
47. Fill in the personal creden als (Name and Password) then click on
48. In the case of faulty entry of Name and/or Password, go to the Lock Detail menu and click
on Forget Stored Key
(go back to point 46 and repeat the same opera on).
49. To Eliminate the lock previously connected to your device click on Disassociate Lock.