D2D Technologies
FLEX 3000 V5.2-2301
6. If you set the unit to be the caller, you will need to add the IP address that it will call back
to. Keeping in mind that it may be calling back to a WAN gateway if it is on a public
internet connection or otherwise outside your LAN.
7. Set the Server Port to the port you want to use for SRT transmission. It can be any 4- or 5-
digit number. Stay away from 80,8080, 21, 22 or any other port your LAN may use. If the
SRT listener is behind a firewall, the router must forward the SRT port to the SRT server
IP Address. This port is important. NOTE: If the unit is set up to be the listener, then all
you need is the port number. This will “Push” the stream to tha
t port number on your
8. If this is going on the public internet, you will have to activate port forwarding on your
9. Make certain to forward both UDP and TCP in both directions (If applicable). Only one
side (typically the listener) normally has to have the port forwarded it. The other side
(Caller) will call back to the public IP and ask it for all the traffic on: [Said Port number]
10. The other boxes in the menu are either defaulted or optional:
Be sure to open TCP and UDP on the correct port on your LAN. The default
is 3000, but you can make it any port.
Latency: Defaults to 120 Ms. Can go as high as 8000 Ms. If you are experiencing
packet loss, picture breakup, pixelization, etc. Try increasing the latency in 500
Ms increments.
Stream ID: A string that can be set on the socket prior to connecting. The listener
side will be able to retrieve this stream.
TOS: Type Of Service - The second byte of the IPv4 header. Defaults to 184
(0xB8). Best to leave this as is unless you are working with an IT department that
want to establish a QoS.
TTL: Time To Live. - A value for the period of time that a packet, or data, should
exist on a computer or network before being discarded. Leave it blank and it
defaults to 64. Which is probably adequate.
Send Buffer (bytes): Default size is 20,000,000 bytes which supports 19.4 Mbps
stream with 8000 mS latency and RTT of 225 mS. Do not set unless 'Buffer Size
Calculator' returns a larger value
Send Buffer Size Calculator: This is a tool that allows you to calculate the Send
Buffer depending on the RTT (Round Trip Time) and the BPS (Bits Per Second).
Default size is 20,000,000 bytes which supports 19.4 Mbps stream with 8000 mS
latency and RTT of 225 mS.. Do not set unless 'Buffer Size Calculator' returns a
larger value
Max BW: Defaults to -1 (no bandwidth limiting). '0' enables Input BW and Over
Head BW options.
If you enter a “1”. Then this menu appears:
Input BW (bps): Defaults to 0 (uses calculated input BW). Also, can
specify exact input bandwidth. Only effective if maxbw is set to 0.
OHead BW (%): Defaults to 25%. Only effective if maxbw is set to 0.