background image

The potentiometer (right hand rotary dial) is used for 

both manual and automatic operations of the control. The 

minutes for the automatic side of the control are on the 

outer labeling ring (5 minutes full clockwise, 30 minutes 

full counterclockwise). On manual, the percent of speed is 

from the very slowest (0% - full stop) full counterclockwise 

to maximum speed (100%) full clockwise. 

The on/off switch (circuit breaker included) is mounted in 

the control left side panel.

A.  Power Source-The control operates only on 110-120 volt 

A.C. Plug the power cord into an appropriate grounded 

outlet and connect the yellow twist-lock connector to 

the connector on the extractor motor. The output of 

this unit is 0 - 90 volts D.C. and must be used with 0 - 90 

volt D.C. motors up to and including 1 H.P. 

B.  Power  Switch-Turn  the  power  switch  “on”  and  note 

that two lights are lit on the “visual display.” This power 

switch incorporates a circuit breaker to protect the con-

trol from current overload. Should this circuit breaker 

open, merely reset the power on switch to reset the 

breaker.  This  switch  should  be  shut  off  at  the  end  of 

each extracting day, and the start-stop switches may be 

used between extractor loads. 

C. Operator Control Center-The operator may select 

manual or automatic operation. To make the selection, 

press the switch for the operation desired. On automat


ic (auto start) the light on the left of the visual display 

will flash. On manual, the light on the right of the visual 

display lights and stays lit while running on manual. 

1.  Manual  Operation-The  reel  speed  on  manual  is  con


trolled by the dial on the upper right of the control. For 

Manual Operation, read the inside labeling. The 0-100 

indicates percent of speed. 100% is approximately 280 

rpm; therefore, 50% is approximately 140 rpm. To use 

manual, merely set the speed desired and press manual 

start. The extractor will advance to the set speed and 

remain there. This speed may be varied at any time dur


ing manual operation by turning the dial. 

2.  Automatic  Operation-Your  cycle  time  may  be  varied 

from 5-30 minutes. Automatic operation is obtained by 

pressing auto start. The time of extractor operation is 

selected by the operator. To use the automatic cycle, set 

the complete extracting time desired using the rotary 

dial. Read the outside scale (5 minutes full clockwise 

to 30 minutes full counterclockwise) then press auto 

start. The reel will begin rotating slowly and gradually 

increase speed until full speed is reached. This occurs 

at 75% of the set cycle time. The reel continues at full 

speed for the remainder of the cycle and automatically 

shuts off. The manual brake may then be used to stop 

the reel.

An internal selector switch allows the owner to select a 

variety of automatic cycles. The extractor can be precisely 

controlled to allow for a variety of extracting conditions 

(temperature—moisture level—type of honey—condition of 

frames). Your control comes preset for “average’ operating 

conditions for your size extractor and will be the proper set


ting for 80 - 95% of extracting conditions. (This switch should 

be changed for special conditions only). However, for your 

particular extracting job, a different operation characteristic 

may be desired. 

To select a different operating characteristic, remove the six 

phillips head screws holding the cover in place. Be sure the 

control is unplugged from its Power Source. Lift the bottom 

edge of the cover up turning it completely upside down as if 

using the top of the cover as a hinge. In the upper left of the 

upside down cover, you’ll see a small selector switch with a 

center arrow and screw driver slot. Around the outer edge, 

the letters A-F and the numbers 0-9 appear. The arrow will 

be pointing at one of these characters. By referring to the 

charts below, you may select an operating characteristic just 

right for your extracting conditions. For assistance, call your 

local Dadant Branch Manager.


For “average” operation, the selector switch is set on “B” for 

a 30-frame, on “E” for a 60-frame, and on “D” for a Honey 

Master. (The larger the extractor, the slower the acceleration 

and starting and ending speeds).

Exceptional Versatility

Using the Speed Control
